Should I purchase additional travel insurance when I am traveling?
If you qualify for Benefit Levels 02, 03, or 04, your Benefit Plan provides protection against the cost of emergency medical care. You can contact Travel Assistance at, 1-855-222-4051, Canada Life at, 1-855-729-1839 or your plan administrator or benefits coordinator for complete details about your out-of-country emergency care benefit. Details of the program are also provided on this web site or in your Member Benefit Booklet. Please reference Out-of-Country Emergency Care Expenses and Travel Assistance Services for Out of Province or Country.
Your health care benefit through the I.A.T.S.E., Local 667/669 Health & Welfare Benefit Plan provides financial protection against the cost of emergency medical care only, incurred while travelling outside your home province. However, depending upon the state of your health and the nature and length of your travel, there may be times when you may need additional coverage. Should this be the case, you can purchase individual travel insurance through several independent suppliers and/or associations at your own expense. Some credit cards, bank accounts, automobile associations etc. to which you may belong, may also provide travel insurance.
Call your local provincial health plan office and make arrangements to receive continued coverage if you are travelling beyond the allowable provincial requirement. Ask them for a current brochure on the expenses they will pay if you are in another province or out of country
If you are in another province for an extended period - usually 90 days - contact the provincial health plan office to have your coverage transferred.