1. Where can I obtain a claim form?
- You can click here to download a dynamic .pdf version of a claim form.
- You can register with Great-West Life’s GroupNet for Plan Members, here not only can you download a personalized claim form but you can register for direct deposit and see your past claims history and benefit coverage. Please click here to enroll. Registration is easy and you can also file your claims online and have your funds direct deposited into your account.
- You can e-mail Leta Kennedy, Plan Administrator : leta@iatse667-669healthplan.com or Mary Miskic, Benefit Co-ordinator: mary@iatse667.com both of whom can e-mail you a form.

2. What is my Plan Member ID number?
Your Plan Member ID number is a unique nine digit number that has been given to you by the Plan Office. You will require this number when you file claims and contact Great-West Life. It can be located on your drug card beginning with 667 or 669.
If you have forgotten your Plan Member ID number, you can request one by e-mail from:
Leta Kennedy, Plan Administrator : leta@iatse667-669healthplan.com or
Mary Miskic, Benefit Co-ordinator: mary@iatse667.com both of whom will be able to tell you your number.

3. What is our plan/policy number?
The plan/policy number is specific to the I.A.T.S.E. Local 667/669 Health & Welfare Plan. You will require this number when you file claims and contact Great-West Life.
Our plan/policy number is 164609
All members will use the same plan/policy number.

4. How can I add/remove dependents from my plan?
To add/remove dependents from you plan you will be required to fill out a new health & welfare enrolment form. After completing the form, please mail the original to the Health & Welfare Fund office care of the Plan Administrator, you will see the address at the bottom of the 2nd page. If you are adding a common-law spouse to the plan, you must be cohabitating for a period of at least 1 year.
You can obtain an enrollment form 2 ways:
1. You can click here to download an enrollment form.
2. You can e-mail Leta Kennedy, Plan Administrator: leta@iatse667-669healthplan.com or Mary Miskic, Benefit Co-ordinator: mary@iatse667.com both of whom can e-mail you a form.